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Pink Bike Flower Embroidery Applique Patch Iron On Patches Clothes

Bicycle Appliques


Ready to iron on, please follow the instructions below:

1. Preheat your iron (Turn the iron to the highest setting your fabric can tolerate. Make sure the "steam" option is turned off).

2. Make sure the patch back is clean, spray some water on the back.

3. Place the patch where you want to attach it and place over a cloth or a thin towel (the towel will protect the patch itself and the surrounding fabric).

4. Position the heated iron over the patch and press down firmly. Hold the iron there for about 30 seconds and repeat from the opposite side for another 30 seconds.

5. Remove the iron and allow the patch to cool. Lift the towel and check whether the patch is fixed on securely by gently rubbing at the edge with a finger, trying to lift it.

6. If it lifts up a bit, replace the towel and repeat the steps above.

7. For a completely secure patch, use a sewing machine or a needle and thread to secure the patch to the fabric.


three designs sold individually

Pink Bike Flower Embroidery Applique Patch Iron On Patches Clothes

SKU: pbi20
£0.35 Regular Price
£0.09Sale Price
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